Thursday, November 6, 2008

Going Extreme...

So, I have been feeling a little bit restless lately. I don't know if it is being cooped up, or just feeling cooped up that is causing it, but I am having a really hard time truly relaxing. I was thinking back to high school and junior high days when I could sit for hours in my room and listen to the radio. I would lay on my bed and just be. Part of this year is just being. And I feel like I am in a lot of ways, but at the same time, I am still restless.

I have been wondering if it is my exercise regiment, which is fairly lame. I wake up at 7 three or four times a week and run through the one sunrise salutation I learned in my college yoga class before I dropped it. I just feel like I want more. I want my heart to pound in my chest, I want to breath hard and feel my muscles ache. I miss running and lifting weights and being sweaty.

I was updating my myspace page the other day with a new extreme yoga peru pic. It is a pretty awesome pic of Leslie, Lynn and I in the three warrior poses on a hill over looking LaGranja. I remember being scared and a little off balance, but feeling great when I stood myself back up straight. Anyway, I was asking a Yogini friend of mine about other poses we could learn to add to our collection of extreme yoga peru (see the YAV group blog for more pics) and I found I think I am in love.

I have decided to become a hardcore yoga practitioner (we'll see how it goes), but there is a variation of warrior III that i want to learn by christmas to take pics at maccu picchu. I am stoked. and if i fall on my behind, all the better.

Hopefully, this will ease the antsiness I am experiencing currently. Harcore yoga.
all for me, for now,

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