Monday, July 20, 2009

Winding Down and Catching Up.....

Once again, my blog has mostly slipped my mind. I am getting down to only 9 days left here in Peru and am torn in so many directions I can barely understand all the emotions I am having. But, I wanted to catch you all up on what exactly has been going on in my life over the past month-ish.......

1. My host mom, Lili, had the opportunity to visit her husband (who is working in the states) for their 25th wedding anniversary, so I moved into an apartment with a US friend and coworker for the last month of my time in Peru. I was sad to change locals, but it has been really good for me to have complete control over my food again.

2. I had the opportunity to give an informational talk about design for the artisans in Lima. It was incredibly hard but it went well (I am still being reassured of this). Afterward, we had my despedida (goodbye party). I was so touched by the words said, and presents given. I was amazed to hear how my presence has touched them. Especially my boss/ coworker Koki. He and I have butted heads all year. It is amazing how difficult it is for us to communicate. But, he said that not only are there tanglible results of my year here in Peru, the most recent Partners for Just Trade order is filled with products I aided the artisans in producing, but there are intangible results as well, he said he's learned a lot from our relationship. I must say I have learned a lot from him as well. Humility. Listening first. That I am frequently wrong. And how necessary it is to make amends when I have acted incorrectly.

3. BSPC Peru Crew V. I had the opportunity to accompany a mission/work crew from Broad Street Presbyterian Church in Columbus, OH. Actually, they deserve their own blog......

Anyway, I am in my last few days at work. Trying to make myself concetrate and do some of the mass amounts of work I will leave behind. Limbo is not an easy place to be; starting to transition to one world, while I am still severely engraned in another. But it makes me think of what I was doing to transition to come here, and I gotta say, I like where I am.

hope all are well and I will see you all so soon.

1 comment:

  1. Amazing! Thanks for sharing and good luck in limbo. We're all there together.

