Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Streets of Huanchaco...

The last afternoon I was in Huanchaco, my good friend Roxi (after following me around all morning to see the toursity things like the amazing church) was kind enough to suggest to a 16ish year old boy playing guitar in front of his families restaurant, that I should play.

Tired as I was, I thought this was a grand idea as well, little did I know...

I played my ususal standby songs, closer to fine, blackbird....this caught the Huanchacan boys interest, so I somehow managed to show him the basics of the song. I really am not much of a teacher. But he was an amazing guitarist so, it worked out. Then he played a little twist and shout and some other Beatles songs as I sang my guts out. He asked me to play another, and I was feeling the Cab Calloway-- Minnie the Moocher vibe, so I stuck that one out there for my passerby audience.

I was about half-way through the song when a woman from inside the restaurant came out and told me something that sounded like be quieter please, she was incredibly difficult to understand as she may or may not have been intoxicated at 2 in the afternoon. So, I sang the verse more quietly, and when I got to the chorus, she is all up in my face screaming "HIDY HIDY HIDY HIDY" which is when I realize she knew the song. So, I turned up the volume with her.

And we continued. Quiet verses, loud chorus. She made me sing it three times, when I kindly returned the guitar to my new goodly Huanchacan friend whose name was promptly forgotten as all I could think was 1. How on earth did she know that song? and 2. Why can't I get that kind of participation back home?

Roxi didn't quite understand why I kept exlaiming "THAT WAS FANTASTIC! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPENED! THAT WAS FANTASTIC!"

but it was.
all for me, for now.

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