Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I've Won the War!!!!!

All right folks, I want you to know this blogthought is a week old. I just didn't have time to write it up before I left for a week of adventures in Huancavelica, Huancayo and Huanuco. And that trip is another blog entirely, which i will write in a day or two, I don't want to overwhelm you.

Also, still to come, toothbrush madness on the 10E....

Back to the war... as you all should know by now I have an electric shower head that has been waging a war of cold water on me. There was a truce which basically was me learning to listen to the shower head. I finally figured out what it sounded like when it turned off and the cold water was gonna hit me. And so the truce stood until last week.

I was sitting at the dinner table talking with my host mom and brother about my new haircut (yeah, I finally chopped it. About half of it is gone, though it is still longer than my shoulders). Anyway, I was explaining why I cut my hair (in Spanish) and my reasons were these. 1. It had been about a year since I had had a hair cut. 2. The ends were pretty dry. 3. It was really tough showering cause it took so long to wash my hair, and since the water never stayed warm for very long at once, it was just annoying. Though, I had figured out what it sounded like when it was shutting off and could avoid the cold water now. I also explained that the reason why I only showered once a week when I first got here was because I couldn't work the shower. My host mom laughed and told me she thought I was just a dirty hippie. (just for you Kirk)

But while my host mom laughed, she also looked confused. She told me that the water should be warm all the time and that there was probably something wrong with it. So after dinner, we went into my very small bathroom to investigate. Turns out there is a switch on the shower head that makes the water warmer or colder with symbols signifying which is which. Now, I just sound like an idiot at this point, but honestly, you would have shocked yourself to death before ever taking the shower, so I don't want to hear it. The symbols were not C (caliente=hot) and F (frio=cold). The symbols were two filled in circles for hot and one not filled in circle for cold. This is a great example of Peruvain logic. (by the by, Peruvian logic is a myth. I am not convinced it exists).

Anyway, point being I now have incredibly hot water for showers and it is amazing. No more dirty hippie here. It is wonderful. Also really cool point to be made. I explained all of this in Spanish, which I couldn't do a month ago.

all for me, for now.

1 comment:

  1. So knowing this now, would you have still chopped the hair?

    That shower head is way scary, but at least it is better than how we used to heat water in Mexico and use old automobile gas tanks to hold the hot water for our quick showers...

