Monday, September 1, 2008

'Twas the night before Peru...

I sit and look at the keyboard. It is strange to have no words. Over the past few months I have had feelings that range from extreme excitement, utter dread to peace and calm. And right now, I feel nothing.

I leave for Peru tomorrow at 2pm and I have no emotion about it.

It is a very unusual place for me to find myself. I am sitting in and oranage armchair in the common room of Laws Lodge on the Presbyterian Theological Seminarycampus in Louisville, Kentucky and have nothing to say. I, in fact, have been putting off blogging until tonight because I thought I would have something to say tonight.

So far I have three paragraphs that say I don't know what to say.

My fellow YAV's are upstairs having a dance party of sorts, and I can't seem to find comfort in dancing with them, watching them dance, sitting outside the room. I feel the joy they seem to be expressing....perhaps not only joy, but nervousness, maybe some fear. Maybe because I know feel calm and ready, I can not share in their nervous energy.

Anyway, for any and all of you who are reading. 1. Thank you for reading. 2. Please keep me and my fellow YAV's in your thoughts/prayers/energy waves. There are 30 of us going to 5 countries (Peru, Kenya, India, Guatamala, and Northern Ireland) and we all need your support. 3. I would also ask for prayers/energy waves/thoughts for the people who will be receiving us tomorrow and the day after--it all depends on our flight itineraries.

Okay, they are playing my song now, Don't Stop Believin'. I gotta go.

all for me, for now.

1 comment:

  1. God Bless, Katie. We'll keep you in our prayers daily. Love, Jini
